11 tips to boost your mind and confidence


Do you lack self-confidence, and it undermines you? Rest assured, self-esteem is not frozen in time. It is, therefore, quite possible to change your perception of yourself.

In practice,  regaining confidence depends only on one thing: yourself!  No need, therefore, to blame the whole earth or wait for the situation to evolve passively.


Here are 11 tips to boost your mind and confidence:

1- Take stock

First of all, you must make an appointment with yourself to take stock. Take a paper and a pencil and write down everything that comes to your mind when you think about yourself and your life: your qualities, your pride, your desires, but also your past flaws and failures. Each point, positive or negative, will allow you to take stock and move forward.

  • Your qualities: it can be skilled, human, or physical qualities. First, focus on your personality traits and your appearance that you like the most, then narrow your list by noting all the little details (even the most insignificant) that you like about yourself. If you can't, get help from a loved one. You will see, an external and benevolent look will be much more objective!
  • Your pride is about registering all the events or actions that have made you proud of yourself. You will thus become aware of all your accomplishments and successes.
  • Your desires: what are your short, medium, and long term goals? Where do you see yourself in 2, 5, and 10 years? Answer these questions simply without considering the material constraints that might prevent you from achieving these goals.
  • Your flaws: Don't be too hard on yourself, but objectively write down your main flaws. Then make a decision: "Do I accept them?" Or do I decide to end it? ". Whatever your choice, this list will allow you to assume or remedy your weaknesses, and therefore gain confidence.
  • Your past failures: understanding your mistakes and accepting them is an important step in moving forward. In front of each failure, write down your answers to the following questions: What did I learn? And what will I do differently today?


2- Recognize your qualities

It is essential to learn to trust yourself and, above all, to believe in your abilities. To do so, you must first get to know yourself and ask yourself the necessary questions. What are your strengths and weaknesses? You have skills; what could you do to develop them further? Stop negative remarks as much as possible:  "I will never do it", "I suck". You have to accept that you can't be good at everything. This notion of self-acceptance is central. Most people doubt themselves… And when you give them compliments, they wonder if they are up to it. Sort comparing: you have to get out of social comparisons and competitions… There are times when you compete with others and times when you are not when you are simply moving forward in your life.

See each other with kindness.  You wouldn't say to a friend: "You are stupid!" So why say it to yourself? We must, of course, try to achieve our goals and digest our failures, but above all, see each other with respect and kindness - and talk to each other as one would talk to a friend.


3- Take action

Can you see more clearly? Then it's time to take action! Don't put off what you can do today, and don't be afraid to take risks. With your goals in mind, you are ready to move forward and accomplish great things. In practice, you need to get into the habit of breaking up your big goals into several small ones to achieve them. Go step by step and reward yourself at each step; this will allow you to become aware of your progress.

Above all, empower yourself to be successful and be kind to yourself.


4- Congratulate each other every day

To boost your self-confidence, get in the habit of repeating positive phrases to yourself every day.

Each morning,  fill up with positive vibes by imagining what this day has in store for you. If your day doesn't seem motivated to you, induce yourself to be lucky to make it better. Text an old friend, call a loved one, take a bath, read a book, listen to music, smile at a stranger in the street… There are many ways to make this day more beautiful!

Each evening, take stock of what you've done and mentally relive the good times. If the day has not been good, try all the same to find a small positive point (the smile of a stranger in the metro, the good coffee you drank in the morning, the compliment of a colleague ...) and read inspirational quotes to get your spirits up.


5- spend time with loved ones

Expressing feelings and sharing with loved ones is surely one of the best remedies for a lack of self-confidence. There's nothing like knowing that you can count on loved ones and that you are appreciated for who you are.

To recharge the batteries,  consider organizing moments with family and friends once a week at least. It is a romantic evening, a family dinner, an evening on the phone with a friend who lives far away, an activity with his children,… All occasions are good!


6- try meditation

Meditation has many advantages. It helps to feel better, to be less stressed, and to reconnect with his emotions.

Meditating can seem like a pretty mysterious practice when you are not used to it, but you will learn to appreciate those few minutes of calm in the day over time.

To start in meditation:

  • Allow yourself at least 15 minutes of calm and sit comfortably.
  • Close your eyes and focus on your breathing.
  • Drive negative thoughts out of your mind and replace them with benevolent images.
  • Let your mind and imagination run free.


7- Play sports

Don't we say a  "healthy mind in a healthy body"? It is true. To learn to love yourself, you must take care of yourself and your health.

Playing sports has many positive effects on the mind: it helps to feel freer, become aware of your body, and regulate your stress level. Also, just seeing your figure tone up can help build a good self-image.


8- Take care of yourself

Have you ever noticed that a new haircut or a pretty outfit can change the way we think about ourselves? Indeed, on the same principle as a sport, taking care of one's appearance improves self-esteem.

A few ways to take care of your appearance:

  • Eat healthily;
  • Drink lots of water ;
  • Make a hair mask;
  • Perform a   body scrub ;
  • Take the time to put on good makeup;
  • Wear an outfit that flatters the figure;
  • Make an appointment with the hairdresser;
  • Make a pretty manicure;


9- Feel good in your "sneakers."

Wearing black makes you feel smarter, more attractive, and more confident, according to a 2015 British survey. The same goes for red, which comes in second. And don't forget to put on a few fragrances of your favorite perfume: a 2011 study found that 90% of women feel more confident when they wear perfume than when they don't.


10- Meet new people

Talking with new people is always a rewarding experience. But when you lack self-confidence, opening up to others can seem difficult.

Our advice: accept the opportunities available to you and don't be afraid of being criticized. Does a friend offer to meet his roommates? Does a colleague invite you to lunch? Go for it! Who knows, some of these new encounters might even become friends?


11- Test assertiveness

During a bout of blues, try to remind yourself out loud how smart and important you are. A study published in 2015 in Personality and Social Psychology asserts that assertiveness can calm your nerves, increase your confidence, and improve your work productivity. Whenever you have low-performance expectations, you tend to sink in and meet those low expectations. Assertiveness is one way to neutralize this threat. To go a little further, do not hesitate to swear (a little). It would be a great way to release those emotions and relieve physical and emotional pain.

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